Sunday, October 26, 2014

Best Online Business on the Planet!

I log in to my SFI business every day with great excitement to find out what wonderful things happened.

Sometimes, I won a prize from a contest.

Sometimes, one of my team members achieved a new level of success.

Sometimes, I made a recurring sale that will earn 45% commissions for me for some time to come.

Sometimes, Gery Carson the founder of SFI, will announce a new game or a new improvement to the program. Like the one this month that boosted my earnings by 10% for life.

It never gets old, stale or boring. There is always something fun going on. 

It never ceases to amaze me that this program, tools and training are absolutely free. Yes, as in you never have to spend a dime to build a solid successful business. 

What are you waiting for?

Have a great day!


Deal of the dayHigh Energy Supplement used by millions every day to help them remain alert and focused!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Increase Your Earnings by 10% for Life!

Introducing Fast Track 2.0

One of the greatest things about SFI is the cracker-jack staff that is always coming up with terrific new ideas that keeps this program thriving.

There have been so many new things over the last several weeks. It's hard to choose which one to write about. 

I chose Fast Track 2.0 because, well, who doesn't want to make more money?

The benefits of the original fast track were just 200 extra Versa Points and a cool badge for your home page. Nice, but...

Fast Track 2.0 is is really amazing! There are seven, yes seven, great benefits.

1. Bonus shares of the executive pool for a 10% boost to your income
2. 250 bonus Versa Points
3. 30 bonus entries in the Daily Grand drawing
4. An even cooler new badge for your home page to encourage your downline
5. Your name and picture on the Wall of Fame
6. A Fast Track Certificate to frame and hang on your wall to encourage you
7. A really neat lapel pin for those important face-to-face encounters

I've been involved in other programs that come out with new ideas maybe once a year, if that. I logged in every day to do the work and couldn't wait to get done. Never really had much success either. 

At SFI there's something new every month. It's so engaging and interesting I can't wait to log in every day to see what new wonderful thing has happened to me! I've made more money in just a couple of months with SFI than I ever did in a couple of years with other programs and I'm having fun!

Come join the SFI family!


Deal of the Day - Website Hosting (Web Hosting + Word Press Installed) - Super Saver (Monthly)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Do You Have Trouble Sponsoring?


Anyone working in an online program knows that sponsoring is the key to long-term wealth. It is also one of the most difficult things to do. There are millions of people on the internet and many of them would be interested in joining your program, but they're wary of being scammed. Some because it's happened to them before and some are just naturally cautious. Are you spending hours and hours placing ads in classifieds, safelists, traffic exchanges and the like? 

What else can I do?

Truly, the best method to get people interested in your online business is to talk to them face-to-face. There are thousands of people right outside your front door. Talk to them! It gives them the opportunity to ask questions and see that there is a real person behind the ads. 

If that makes you nervous, start with your family and friends. Get some business cards and flyers made up or print them yourself. It's an inexpensive way to break the ice. You can also leave your business card at places you go every day or post flyers at the grocery store, bus stops or anywhere else in your community that you are permitted. 

I hope that these simple suggestions help you succeed. 

Have a great day!

Deal of the dayTripleClicks Advanced Liquid Nutrition is a one-of-a-kind, all-natural liquid supplement designed to promote robust health. Our exclusive formula packs 13 vitamins, 9 herbs, 18 amino acids, and a variety of nutrients, minerals, and plant extracts for total body wellness in every delicious, mixed-berry-flavored, 1-ounce dose.